Thank you BookBub!

Number 1 in Kindle Store

#1 Overall Free in the Kindle Store

The day is young and my suspense thriller is sitting at #1 Free in the entire store! Wow… behold the power of the ‘bub. 😉

As of 4:20 PM Eastern, I’ve given away 28,443 copies of Multiples. And I’ve sold 240 copies of Divisible, its sequel, which covers the cost of the ad.

Oh, and I get a bonus 1-star review because of foul language on the first page. Sigh! At least future readers will know if they read the reviews. I think I smell a future blog post topic! 😀

More free books!

It seems like I’ve been giving away a lot of books lately. Well, I have…and it’s sort of addicting. 😀 If you’re interested, I am currently giving away book #1 in my pseudonymous suspense/thriller series. Multiples of Six is available for free on Amazon Kindle for a limited time (9/1-9/5). This full-length novel was released under my pen name in 2011 and was well received. There is also an audiobook, which can be added for just $1.99 with purchase of the ebook.  Book #2 in the series, Divisible by Six, is on a Kindle Countdown sale during this time as well, for just $1.99. And, last but not least, you can still sign up for a free signed paperback copy of Divisible by Six over at Goodreads. Phew! So much free goodness! Thanks for stopping by and feel free to share with your friends and neighbors. 😉


OMG… the BookBub Gods Have Finally Smiled Upon Me

So, yeah… BookBub. If you haven’t heard of them, then you’re more than likely not a self-published author. If you have, then you know that running an ad with them can often be a marketing and financial boon. I might have set the record for submitting my book (Multiples of Six by Andy Rane) to them… and getting rejected every time. Well, apparently, they just never wanted me to make money off of it. Every time I submitted, I would offer to lower the price of my novel to $0.99. I submitted to them well over 15 times, perhaps 20. Each and every time, I got the standard rejection letter. So, when my next opportunity came to submit, I broke down and submitted the book as a freebie. And now I’m in. My scheduled day is September 2nd.

Mind you, this isn’t the first time Multiples has been free. It’s just the first time in a very long time. You see, back in the day, when the KDP Select  program was in its infancy, going free could be miraculous. My first free day was in February of 2012. I gave away 6700 copies in a single day (thanks to being picked up by Pixel of Ink and Ereader News Today). The next day, the book went back to being $2.99 and sold another 450 paid copies over the next month. It was awesome. A few months later, I ran another promo. This time, I gave away another 9000 copies, but the post-free bump was less than half of what it had been a few months before. Amazon had changed their algorithm. A free sale was no longer equivalent to a paid sale. I ran my last free promotion for that book during the summer of 2012. I gave away another 2500 copies, but saw no post-free bump at all.

I’ll admit, I really didn’t want to go free with that book again.  But, now I’m looking forward to it. I only have one other book in that series and maybe it’ll help generate sales and reviews for both.

If you’re looking to promote your book, take a good look at the options. BookBub can be a tough nut to crack into, but the results are well documented. Be sure to check out some of the other sites listed above as well.

Have you had success with BookBub or other marketing sites? Tell us about it in the comments below!

First Day Free

I hate talking about me so much, so I’ll try and make this my last “Hey, look at me and my books!” post for a while. But, I have to post just a quick screen grab of my Amazon rank since going free with the first part of Liquid Blue yesterday. It’s so rare that I have something in one Top 100 category, so I’m pretty stoked that I’ve had a rash of sales in the last 24 hours that’s put my book into 3 Top 100 categories.


Sorry for the fuzzy screen grab.

Of course, going free will be all for naught if it doesn’t lead to sales of Parts II and, eventually, III. But, it gets my writing into the hands of potential readers and that’s really what it comes down to. Ok, end “me” talk. I promise. 😉

Get a free copy of APE: How to Publish a Book

While I wouldn’t be so quick to call it the best book on self-publishing, it’s very resourceful and a good place to start if you’re at square 1. Guy Kawasaki does know about social media and marketing, and he brings that knowledge to this book. And, you can never beat free (though I’m guessing they’ll make you give you’re email address to get access to it.) 😉

Get a free copy of APE: How to Publish a Book.